rather skeptic Pirate Combo Bouncy us the water and the pain went away. He wa intrigu and had to know moreWhi wa Masaru Emoto so interest in water? He had suffer from foot pain and a friend at hi offic had given him some water that had been specif program with thought energi to heal hi pain. Mr. Emoto..
I have found that a smoker exert a strong mind over matter effect on the bodi to allow themselv to smoke which in turn make it difficult to simpli stop smoking. Smoker have creat a Psycholog Smoke Mechan to mental suppress the normal bodi defens to hot pollut smoke enter their delic lungs. How is thi possible? In my work on the dynam of smoking.
affect our behavior,It is well establish in psycholog that attitud and belief affect thoughts. Thought in turn. our bodi and even our state of health. But what if thought wa more power than just affect behavior and our person well-being? What if thought actual affect matter outsid ourselves?
research ha shown that thought DOES affect matter outsid of ourselves. Thi give a whole new mean to "watch what you think!Sound like scienc fiction doesn't it? We tend to believ that our thought ar our own and have no forc outsid ourselv but research in Quantum Physic suggest that thi notion is not correct. We ar electromagnet be and our thought radiat out from us like a broadcast signal impact thing insid us and around us. Although we would like to believ that our thought ar "private"."
we will explor a characterist of water that is not usual considered. Water store thought energi and thi energi impact whoever or whatev us the waterA veri excit bodi of scientif research ha demonstr the effect of thought on water! In thi article..
Wat is Dull and Wet!
thei think of it as a dull,When most peopl think of water. uninterest liquid. I don't know how mani peopl over the year have told me that thei don't like to drink water. Yet, water is necessari for life. In fact, our bodi ar made up of about 70 percent water. A person can go a long time without eat but not without water.
there appear to be a great deal more to water than a simpl combin of two hydrogen atom and on oxygen atom. Water appear to be a storag devic and can be program by thoughtRath than be dull..
Wat Get a New Publicist
when the public wa introduc to the impact of thought on water with the releas of a movi call What the BLEEP Do We Know!? Thi movi wa an introduct to concept of Quantum Physic and present some veri fascin ideas. The movi also introduc the work of Masaru Emoto,Research on the effect of thought on water ha been around for a long time. But no on outsid of scientif circl knew about it. It wasn't until 2004. a Japanes man who discov a wai to visibl demonstr the effect of thought on water!
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