
Amnesty's report condemns 'politicisation of justice'

Amnesti also cite Sale Surf The Wave the Unite State and European Union for us their posit with the UN Secur Council "to continu to shield Israel from strong measur of account for it action in Gaza"In it report..

The human right group accus power govern of subordin justic to polit self-interest and of shield alli from scrutiny.

It express particular concern over possibl war crime commit dure fight in Sri Lanka last year.

The report also criticis the UN for it failur to intervene.

and a UN spokesman describ the situat in northern Sri Lanka at the time as a "bloodbath". Thousand of peopl were kill dure the war.

compliment itself on it success against the Tamil Tigers. But Amnesti sai that "power plays" at the UN Human Right Council led to member state approv a resolut draft by the Sri Lankan government.

despit further evid of war crime and other abuses,"By the end of the year. no-on had been brought to justice," Amnesty' Secretari Gener Claudio Cordon says. "One would be hard press to imagin a more complet failur to hold to account those who abus human rights."

'Landmark event'

