Clarich said Commercial Friendly Clowns We move the event awai from Main Street simpli becaus it wa continu to prove costli and difficult to do for both the citi and the chamber..
a slimmed-down Pioneer Dai festiv is expect to attract thousand of peopl to downtown High Spring Saturdai and Sunday,HIGH SPRINGS – With a theme of Railroad Heritag and a visit by a nation renown group of artists. April 24-25.
thi year s festiv will not be held on ani major citi street but,Unlike festiv from the past two decades. instead, will be center around the High Spring Citi Hall sinkhole.
as well as live entertain throughout the event and present at Heritag Village,Thi year s festiv will featur the trademark cowboi shoot-out reenact at noon and 2 p.m. each day. an area where peopl can get a tast of old Florida.
Th Farmer Market also will continu to be a main focu of the festival.
a nation acclaim group of artist who made their live sell their paint on the side of roadsNew thi year will be an appear by some of the last surviv member of the Florida Highwaymen..
Th group now ha exhibit in variou museum across the country. Some of the member will actual be paint at the festiv itself. See stori elsewher on thi page.
A lso new thi year will be the slim down size of the festival. It normal ha more than 100 vendor but ha been trim down to approxim 50.
said Heather Clarich with the High Spring Chamber of Commerce. We'd tri to be everyth to everyon in year past and with that came everi sort of vendor, We have chang the event up a bit to hopefulli provid event-go a bit more in the wai of qualiti vendors. some not conduc to a qualiti event.
she said So the event is downscal slightli and we ar thu far veri happi with the results..
who will be rove the festiv while playing,Th music entertain will includ the duo of Ed and Geraldine. and Pete Enwall, who will be perform in the sinkhol on the perform stage.
the Great Outdoor restaur will be show The Great Train Robberi in the Opera Hous all dai each day. The origin movi is believ to be the first movi ever shown in High SpringsFurther..
such as slide and bounc housesTh Kid Korral will includ poni ride and inflat attractions..
the Pioneer Dai festiv will award a Pioneer Famili – a famili who both past and present ha been an integr part of make High Spring the citi we all know and love,On Saturdai at 11:30 a.m.. Clarich said.
and present will be made to the famili by High Spring Mayor Bill Coughlin and Chamber Presid Tom WellerThat famili thi year will be The Forrest Family..
citi street. Instead,On of the major chang in Pioneer Dai thi year is that it will not be held on Main Street or ani other large. the festiv will be confin to an area around the sinkhol and the citi build nearby.