
10 clues that you are addicted to facebook

I post a link to thi articl on Facebook. Human Spheres You click the link within 0.3 seconds. Repli with an unrespond "hahah that' awesome",10. To realli drive the point home. poke me, invit me to a random, useless group, gave me a job to do in mafia wars, and now you ar read thi article. YOU STA LKER GET A LIFE!! HA HA .

read profiles,Facebook ha becom a part of modern life. Peopl spend larg amount of time post things. and join groups. To what extent can we call the compuls an addiction? Here ar a few sign that suggest that you might be a grade 1, profession facebook addict.

you ambush them with a un-respondable,1. You repli to your friend comment after ± 0.3 seconds. You prei on their everi comment like a tiger stalk it prey. Befor thei can finish responding. "hahah that' awesome!!". Sometim you ar so fast your respons is quicker than the post and Facebook momentarili crashes.

"Bring Peac to Asia",2. You ar a member of more than 3000 useless Facebook group including: "Save the African Children". "Kany West is a Dbag" and "I love my cat".

Cuba in Mafia Wars. You proce to email your boss for advic and he recommend you pack your belong and reliev yourself of your employment3. You tell peopl you have a new Job. Thei all swarm around you to congratul you. Veri shortli thereaft thei disappear when thei find out the "Job" is to build a drug cartel in Havana..

at work,4. You have miniatur your stalk habit by enabl Facebook mobil access. Now you have facebook at your finger tip at all times. At the bar. even at your best friend' funeral. Amidst the mourning, you quickli sneak in a statu updat that read "R.I.P Jack! Look for a new BFF!"

long sleek leg and trapeziu muscles. As a result of sit on Facebook and chomp nacho all day,5. You us to be the pictur of athletic with your sexi six pack. you look like Oprah in on of her "off periods" or Kirsti Allei in gener .

get that present wrap up or breez through your open heart surgeri just so you can poke Jenn and send her a martini on Facebook6. Work ha becom a nice break from Facebook. Now you re try to rush your memo..

like a parti name "LA PA SION" in Cambridge,7. You actual go to a place mention on someone' status. MA , in hope of see them in real life. Not onli is that creepy, but I am pretti sure you can get arrest for that. In fact the next piec of mail you will get is a restrain order.

depression,8. Your workplac prevent you from us Facebook. You start to develop symptom not so differ from the withdraw symptom of a crack addict. Your symptom include: agitation. fatigue, anxiety, nausea or vomit and angri outbursts. All thi is accompani by a cold sweat. You commit yourself to rehab to get out of work but not befor you googl all the rehab facil with Facebook access.

address,9. You decid to rob a house. You do everyth correctli and make your escap seamlessly. Within an hour you ar apprehend becaus dure the robberi you couldn't resist sneak a peak at Jill' statu message. You forget to log off and basic leav the cops: your name. current city, relationship status, hobbies, favorit quot etc. To top it all, your statu read "Just rob a house...hav a beer at the O'tool bar on 51st and Broadway." That actual happened!!

